Article 1 – Definitions
In this code, the following definitions shall apply:
- Complaint: any written expression of dissatisfaction by or on behalf of the client with the solicitor or the persons working under his or her responsibility relating to the conclusion or execution of a contract for the performance of professional services, regarding the quality of such services or the amounts invoiced, not being a complaint referred to in paragraph 4 of the Solicitor’s Act 2015 (Advocatenwet);
- Complainant: the client or its representative that lodges a Complaint;
- Complaints Officer: the solicitor responsible for the handling of the complaint.
Article 2 – Scope
- This complaints code shall be applicable to any contract between Düzgün & Partners and the client.
- Each solicitor working at Düzgün & Partners shall ensure that Complaints shall be dealt with in accordance with this Code.
Article 3 – Objects
The objects of the complaints code are:
- to establish a code for dealing with Complaints in a constructive manner within a reasonable time;
- to establish a code to determine the causes of complaints from clients;
- to maintain and improve existing relationships through proper handling of complaints;
- to train employees in client-oriented response to complaints;
- to improve the quality of service using complaints management and complaint analysis.
Article 4 – Information at commencement services
- This complaint Code has been made public. Upon entering into a contract with Düzgün & Partners, the sollicitor shall inform the client that Düzgün & Partners has a complaints code and that it will be applicable.
- Complaints that can not resolved in accordance with article 5 of this Code may be submitted to the competent court to obtain a binding ruling.
Article 5 – Internal complaints code
- Any Complaint will be forwarded to an attorney in the office who was not directly involved with the case, who shall act as Complaints Officer.
- The Complaints Officer shall notify the subject of the Complaint of the lodging of the Complaint and shall give the Complainant and the subject of the Complaint the opportunity to provide an explanation.
- The subject of the Complaint shall attempt to reach a solution with the client either with or without the efforts of the Complaints Officer.
- The Complaints Officer shall complete the procedure within four weeks after receipt of the Complaint or inform the Complainant about any deviation from this period and indicate the date by which a judgement on the Complaint shall be given.
- The Complaints Officer shall notify the Complainant and subject of the complaint on the merits of the Complaint in writing of the judgment. This judgement may or may not be accompanied by recommendations.
- If the Complaint has been dealt with satisfactorily, the Complaints Officer, the Complainant and the subject of the Complaint shall sign the judgment.
±Article 6 – Confidentiality and Costs
- The Complaints Officer and the subject of the Complaint shall observe secrecy.
- There will be no charge for the handling of the Complaint.
Article 7 – Responsibilities
- The Complaints Officer is responsible for the timely handling of the Complaint.
- The subject of the Complaint shall keep the Complaints Officer informed of possible contacts and a possible solution.
- The Complaints Officer shall keep the Complainant informed of the handling of the Complaint.
- The Complaints Officer shall be responsible for a proper complaint file.
Article 8 – Complaint registration
- The Complaints Officer shall record the Complaint and the subject of the Complaint.
- A complaint may be divided into multiple topics.
- The Complaints Officer shall report on the handling of the complaints and shall make recommendations to prevent new complaints and to improve procedures.
- At least once a year the reports and recommendations shall be reviewed at the office and be submitted for decision-taking.